‘Porn Creation’ by Fauzia Rafique

(Shaheed Bibi Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow (13) was stoned to death in Somalia in October 2008)

1 stadium
A truckload of (Somali) stones
50 armed erections (limp)
1,000 (Samuyeun) spectators
1 adulteress (bound)

The ‘adulterous’
Gang-rape victim
Aisha (13)

Shaheed Bibi Aisha
Ibrahim Duhulow
Stoned to death
To hide the aggression
of three men of arms

I digress
She was expected
to not object

Shaheed Bibi Aisha
Ibrahim Duhulow
Kept asking for justice
She had faith
in the force of life

Impotent enforcers needed
Actions on cue
(is she dead
or alive?)
to get their elements to rise

Shoot that child to keep it rising!
(Better than viagra,
Better than cialis)

‘We are sorry
No one can interrupt
This Porn O
We are about to…
Yes throw those stones…
You, adulterous…!
Ah… kill her…
Kill her…
Kill her.
Aaaah… Soooooo!’

The impotent enforcers
at long last
experience multiple erections
lasting longer harder,
culminating in unprecedented
of spurts of
negligible strength.

Now published in

Buy it here


Holier Than Life

Fauzia Rafique

Contact Uddari

8 comments on “‘Porn Creation’ by Fauzia Rafique

  1. […] Related content on Uddari ‘Child Porn Ring Uncovered Using Stuffed Toy Bunny’ by Denise Lavoie Dancing girls of Lahore strike over ‘Taliban’ law ‘Sexual abuse of children by aid workers and UN peacekeepers’? ‘Porn Creation’ by Fauzia Rafique […]


  2. […] ‘Porn Creation’ by Fauzia Rafiq […]


  3. A wonderful rendering and a moving recount of what happens to women of Islam at the hands of Muslim men. I myself a man but feel ashamed to learn of such events, in Somalia, in Pakistan and in so many other places. Such acts are condemnable in the harshest possible words committed by men of any religion but by Muslim men, it is simply unpardonable. As a man and as a Muslim I feel so ashamed of acts by these animals (these so called Muslims)even stoning them to death, hanging them by an executioner is the mildest punishment these beasts could be awarded.

    Nayyar Hashmey


  4. Hamdi sheekh says:

    Aisha is clean and is in Janno (Haven)

    Dhagdheer* and hyenas ate Dheeha* in the wrong place

    They tied her hands on her back, and the stones rained taking her sense of hearing away

    She was thrown in a cylindrical hole, not in a grave

    As they planted her like a plant, their cruel eyes stared at her

    As they throw the stones on her head they smashed her face

    What ever they did to her forehead the wounds were there

    As they broke her ears and chick bones the sound heard was aah, aa

    as she screamed they cracked her backbone with stones

    checking her pulse as they hit her harder and harder to finish the job

    showing their smile while she was in pain and in blood bath

    As they splashed her blood with their stones, there were those who helplessly wondered.

    Oo this killing is beyond the Sharia

    Oo This arrogant courage is nothing but a lost devil’s job

    Oo the angels who obey Allah, and the humane world will not be happy about this

    He who committed this crime Your bad day has just started

    Our religion is perfect and shines the world with knowledge

    You are the ones that does not respect the culture and disobey the Sharia

    This shameful blanketed crime is not a joke

    In the judgment day, when all mankind comes to the face of Allah

    Are You not aware of jahiima (Hell of fire)

    Are you not aware of what death by stoning means

    While naked, all humans will come under the heat of the sun

    Sure, there will be those who will drown with their own sweat droplets

    Dhagdheer* is a legendary woman cannibal that existed thousands of years back in Somalia.

    Dheeha:Isthe name for female camel. Somalies adore camel
    The name Dheeha stands for beauty and for the country(Somalia)


  5. Hamdi sheekh says:

    No I was not there, but I saw the pictures in somaliswiss.com
    and other Somali websites,plus there are other people who dedicated roses and other flowers to her youthful life and her painful death. My poem is written in Somali.but I will share with udari.

    Aisha Dhuhulow Waa Daahir Waana Ahlu Janno

    Gabaygan waxaa loogu talo galay kuwa xukunka sida aan xaqa ahayn ugu fuliyey Aisha Dhuhulow,
    waana dacwo Ilaahay lala magansaday. Waxaanu rajaynaynaa inaan gabar dambe oo Soomaaliyeed iyo qof dambe oo Soomaaliyeed xaqdaro lagu dilin ayadoo diinta Islaamka iyo magaceeda sharafta leh ama hab keenid cadow ama hab burcadnimo mid dhuleed iyo mid badeed ama hab isqarxin dad aan waxba galabsan la salfanayo ama hab qafaalasho dad gargaarayaal ah.Waxaa haboon in laga fiirsado wiilasha Loo haysto inay Aisha xoogeen inaan iyagana lagu dagdagin in dil lagu fuliyo waayo qofkii mudiciga ku ahaa waa la aamusiyey. Taasi waa wacyi galin, wixii xaqa ahina waa xaq. Hadii cidi iswaydiinayso ma Aisha kaliyaa imisaa xaqdaro dhacday. Jawaabtu waa Aisha fagaare muslim joogo ayaa lagu diley waliba waxaa xusid mudan in wiil yar oo soo ordayna xabad lagu sii nabay, Taasoo u daliila in aan xadgudubku yarayn. Waxaa haboon in aynu takarta ina saaran aragno intaynaan tan gaalada saaran arag. Oo marka hore isa saxno oo diinkeena ku quwayno xaqa.

    Dhagdheer iyo dhurwayaa ku cunay dheeha meel baase
    Dhabarkay gacmaha ugu xireen dhagaha jeexeene
    Dhulka uma dilaacine godbay dhuub u galiyeene
    Sida geed abuur loo dhidbay dhugasho eegteene
    dhowda madaxa dhagxyay wajiga kaga dhardhaarene
    Dhafoorada waxii looga dhigay dhaawac iyo haaro
    Dhegta raadka dhabanada burburay dhawda iyo aada
    Dhawaaqeeda qaylada sidii dhabarka loo jabiyey
    Dhugashada wadnaha tagey kuwii dhidibta aasaayey
    Dhufashada xanuunkaa raggii dhool cadaynaayey
    Dhashta firirka dhiigeeda waa tii la dhaygagaye
    Dharbaaxadan sharciga dhaafsan ee lagu dhaqaaqaayo
    Dhiranaanta iyo kibirku waa xaal damiin dhumaye
    Malaaigaha dhawrsada nafluhu waa ka dhiidhiyeye
    Dhaawaca nin gaystow adiga kuu dharaar baase
    Dhaliil malaha diinteenu waa nuur la dhaataye
    Dhaqan diidee, Shariicadana waad dhagamaraysaane
    Dhacdadaan dhaleecda huwani, Maha aha, dheeldheele
    Dharaartii Ilaah la hortagoo ay dhamaad gaarto
    Dhimbilaha jaxiimaad hadaan dhiifba loo haynin
    Dhimashada hadaan laga baqayn ama la dhaadaynin
    Dharlaan markii uumiyuhu qoraxda soo dhoobto
    Dhobo dhoboda dhididkiinu sow dhoorka qoynmaayo

    Caaisha Ama dheeha oon ku halqabsaday,waxay u taagantahay qaranimadii Soomaaliyeed
    ee la kufsaday deedna furaha nabadeeda hadba dawladaha dariska, laga raadinayey.
    cub iyo cir, car iyo wir,cesha iyo marsha ileen ceebi ma xishooto( Fadlan Gudbi)
    Xamdi Sheekh


  6. mashoo says:

    ik ik lafz aina sacha eh keh kannan wich awazzan bun kay utarda eh,pathar hatthaan wich chubhday pai nai,huth gillay japday hun jiwain rut naal bhury hoan ………….chup chap waikhna ya zulm karna ik barabar………
    apni akkhaan ich aap mujrim lagday meray warghay hoar kinnay …………?


  7. fauzia rafiq says:

    Please do share your poem with Uddari visitors.

    I agree, its not religion but an appetite for acquiring and using power over others.

    Were you there?


  8. Hamdi sheekh says:

    It looks like you were there, the way you describe is close to the way I described in my Somali Poem. It is amazing how we humans share and have so many things. We all feel the pain the same way. thank you for your concern and your exclusive and touching poem.I hope you understand that this has nothing to do with the Islamic faith.


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